Have you ever wondered what eternal life is? Well, look at the verse in the Bible "For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten son so that whoever believes in Him shall not perish but have eternal life!" What that means is only if you are a Christian, you can go up to heaven. So in heaven, you do not die, you go up to heaven to be with God. You'll see all the remaining Christians like His disciples. And also, when the Anti-Christ comes, and all Christians go up to heaven, the Anti-Christ will destroy the earth so God makes a new world and we will all live together as Christians and have a happy life. This is true because it says so in the Bible. So go read your Bible every day to find out if I'm right. And if I'm not right, comment and say "no" or something.
John 3:16! What wonderful advise.
Won't it be cool to see Jesus face to face? :D